Cleanbill founder named as finalist in Queensland Young Achiever Awards

Cleanbill’s founder, James Gillespie, has been named as a finalist in the Leveraged Solutions Health and Wellbeing Category of the Queensland Young Achiever Awards, 2021.

The Queensland Young Achiever Awards recognise young Queenslanders who have achieved extraordinary outcomes for their communities through their actions and initiatives.

James Gillespie was nominated in the Leveraged Solutions Health and Wellbeing Category and the University of Queensland Create Change Category for his work increasing healthcare accessibility through the building and managing Cleanbill. He was named as one of four finalists in the Health and Wellbeing Category and one of seven Semi-Finalists in the Create Change Category.

The Queensland Young Achiever Awards were held in Brisbane on 7th May, 2021.

You can read more about the Queensland Young Achiever Awards and James’ nomination here.