1. General

By accessing this Website, Users agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.

2. Definitions

Body means any practitioner, group of practitioners or healthcare practice that holds itself out as offering healthcare services to members of the public.

Cleanbill means Cleanbill Pty Ltd ABN 22 677 757 710.

Material means any information, data, content or media that can be viewed on this Website.

Users means any person accessing this Website.

Website means this website (cleanbill.net.au), including all subfolders and slugs.

3. Copyright and Use of Material

a) This Website is intended for personal and informational purposes only. Material may only be used for personal use.

b) All Material displayed on this Website, regardless of form and except where otherwise indicated, is the copyright of Cleanbill. Any attempt to reproduce any Material displayed on this Website, except as is otherwise permissible under these Terms of Use, is a breach of this copyright. Reproduction of Material may include, but is not limited to, the movement, reuse, changing, copying, re-distributing, data-mining, extracting, mirroring or scraping of Material.

c) Users must not post, transmit to or via this Website any information, data, content or media which violates any laws or regulations, infringes upon the rights of a third party, is promotional in nature, is personal or private in nature, is defamatory in nature, or is offensive or contrary to generally accepted community standards, except as is otherwise permissible under these Terms of Use. Users must not permit or enable another party to do the same.

d) Cleanbill reserves the right to withdraw or alter any information, content or media provided to Cleanbill for display on this Website without notice and at its absolute discretion.

4. Information and Liability

a) The Material provided on this Website is to be used for guidance only. All Material contained on this Website should be verified by reference to the relevant Body before taking any action on its basis.

b) Cleanbill does not make any representations, warranties or claims that the Material contained on this Website is reliable, accurate, complete or suitable.

c) Any Material contained on this Website denoting that a Body belongs to a particular category of practitioner is for organisational purposes only. Cleanbill does not hold out any Body appearing on this Website as:

i) a member of a professional body;

ii) registered under any relevant law, regulation or professional standard to practice in a listed speciality; or

iii) qualified to practice in a listed speciality.

d) Cleanbill does not offer any warranty or guarantee as to the standard of services offered by a Body appearing on this Website.

e) Cleanbill is not liable for any damage or loss resulting from any action or decision undertaken by Users in reliance on Material provided on this Website.

f) Cleanbill is not liable for any damage or loss of any kind arising from or in connection with Users’ access to, use of or inability to use this Website.

g) Cleanbill is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from Users posting, trasmitting to or via this Website any information, data, content or media which violates any laws or regulations, infringes upon the rights of a third party, is promotional in nature, is personal or private in nature, is defamatory in nature, or is offensive or conttrary to generally accepted community standards.

h) Any links to third party websites are provided for the convenience of Users only, and do not indicate any endorsement by Cleanbill of the third-party websites or any information found thereon. Cleanbill does not make any representations, warranties or claims that information sourced through linked third-party websites is reliable, accurate, complete or suitable. Cleanbill is not liable for any damage or loss resulting from the accessing of third-party websites by Users.

5. Security

a) Cleanbill collects high-level data about its Users for traffic monitoring and website security purposes.

b) Cleanbill does not collect or retain any personal or private information about Users, except where personal or private information is:

i) volunteered by Users; or

ii) otherwise explicitly requested by Cleanbill for data aggregation purposes.

c) Cleanbill will not circulate or otherwise disclose to third parties any personal or private information collected or retained by Cleanbill under clause 5(b) of these Terms of Use.

6. Waiver

a) No waiver of a right or remedy under these Terms of Use is effective unless it is in writing and signed by Cleanbill. It is only effective in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which it is granted.

b) A single or partial exercise of a right a remedy under these Terms of Use does not prevent a further exercise of that or of any other right or remedy.

c) Failure to exercise or delay in exercising a right or remedy under these Terms of Use does not operate as a waiver or prevent further exercise of that or of any other right or remedy.

7. Interpretation and Governing Law

a) To the extent that this Website and Terms of Use is subject to non-excludable statutory provisions, this Terms of Use must be read subject to those statutory provisions. Nothing in this Terms of Use is intended to alter or restrict the operation of any non-excludable statutory provisions.

b) To the extent that any clause in this Terms of Use is inconsistent with any other terms displayed on individual pages of this Website, the other terms will prevail to the extent of any inconsistency.

c) Any clause within these Terms of Use which is found to be wholly or partially void or unenforceable is severed to the extent that it is void or unenforceable, and the validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms of Use remains unaffected.

d) This Terms of Use is governed by the laws of Queensland, Australia. Cleanbill and Users submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Queensland and waive, without limitation, any claim or objection based on absence of jurisdiction or inconvenient forum.

8. Access

a) Cleanbill reserves the right to modify, discontinue or disable any and all parts of this Website on either a permanent or temporary basis at any time and without prior notice.

b) Cleanbill reserves the right to restrict, prevent or terminate Users’ access to this Website at its absolute discretion, and without notice or cause.

9. Changes to Terms of Use

Cleanbill may change, alter or update these Terms of Use from time to time by publishing the updated Terms of Use on this Website. By continuing to use this Website, Users are deemed to have accepted the current Terms of Use found on this page and agree to be bound by them.