Cleanbill wins iAward for ACT Not-for-Profit solution of the year

Cleanbill has won the iAward for the Australian Capital Territory’s Not-for-Profit and Community solution of the year.

The iAwards are Australia’s premier innovation awards. Awarded by the Australian Information Industry Association, the iAwards recognise excellence in innovation that creates a positive change in the Australian community.

Cleanbill was nominated for its innovative approach to increasing medical accessibility through the listing of full information, including pricing information, for all healthcare practitioners in a given geographic area. The nomination particularly focused on the positive impact that this kind of information can have on the provision of primary care to the millions of Australians who find Australia’s healthcare system complicated and inaccessible.

The ACT iAwards were held virtually on 21 July, 2021.

You can read more about the Australian Information Industry Association iAwards here.